Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Tough Time

The run has come and gone.  I had a really tough time and I deserved it.  I did not do the training I should have done, and it is pretty hard to do a decent hundred miles without the base.   I did do 85 miles and I am pleased with how things went with the exception of about 3 total hours of the venture.  Two of these were together from 9 to 11 PM Friday, and the other was really a series of events that took away from the flow.  Once you stop, it easy to stay stopped.   I’ll say a bit about the hardships, and then move to more enjoyable aspects of the run. 

I didn’t train enough.  My long runs were not nearly long enough and there were not enough of them.   I have had a downturn in my running ever since the JDRF 30-hour run 2 years ago.  At that time, I had a stress-fracture at about 40 miles into that run, but was really well prepared to do the distance.  I kept on, because this is event is not about me.  It is about going beyond what is “normal” for those we love.  I’m not exactly sure whether it was the physical lay-off that caused me to lose my motivation or if it was the emotional intensity of the whole project and then the let down afterward.  I do know that I have never quite returned to the same level as I was.  I feel pretty poorly about that, but it is certainly time to get over it and move on.
In between 9 PM and 11PM, I really hit a low point.  I thought that I certainly had issues with the same place on my leg where I had the stress fracture.  This worried me a lot because I don’t want to be sidelined as I was 2 years ago.  I am also registered for the Rothrock Challenge on June 2, and I don’t want to miss it.  However, the biggest reason that I was scared because I would let everyone down.  There have been so many supportive people around, I needed to get this job done.  I very nearly just sat down and cried in frustration.  I felt that there was nothing I could do to go further.  Then, I put on a neoprene ankle brace, new socks, and new shoes an voila`,  I felt amazingly better than I had much of the day.  It was pretty smooth sailing through the end.  Walking instead of running, but at a pretty good pace.

Now for the good stuff.  The generosity of the people who supported the 100-miler and the M&M team is amazing.  Even after the walk, people are continuing to come forward with donations.  It’s a good thing.  The long distance effort would not be possible at all without the encouragement and kind words that are given freely and liberally. 

The people who travelled alongside me for portions of the 85 miles included, Pete, John, Brian, Jeff, Cody, Riley, Alex, Andy, Mike, Neil, Bob, Heath, Jeff, and Bruce.  I literally would not have made it through the night without these guys. 

Lauren and Colin, Kathy, John, Amy and Caleb, Alice, Rachel, Mary Ellen, Allison, and Heath:  you are so helpful and encouraging.  It is so much fun to see you and I am so thankful that you were there to lift me up.

Special thanks to Kathy for all of the great drinks and eats.  Yumm!

Jeff, I am so glad that you brought the pizza!  I’ve never eaten pizza on a run, but since reading Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes, I’ve wanted to do it.  It was awesome!  I’ve got to say the salt, fat, and carbs were a great mix and the taste was a bonus.

Most of all, I want to thank Molly for her support, encouragement, occasional exhortation (?) to go a little further or faster.  I can’t ever truly know how you feel dealing with this every moment of every day.  I hope that I am not a hindrance to your progress and success.  I love you as much as there is.

So, all in all, another great adventure.  Thanks so much for helping.

Titus 3:4-7

New International Version (NIV)
But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared,he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done,but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirshaving the hope of eternal life.

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