Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm in

I've been having a great couple of weeks of running.  Last night's run was the best I've had in quite a while.    I found new trails in the game lands and they took me through some new burn areas.  I felt like I could run forever, okay maybe 40 or 50 K.
I've been getting excited about the MegaTransect and I've been trying to shame my brother into doing with me.  He signed up back in January, but isn't feeling like he is prepared, now.  I've told him that he will be challenged, but that it is certainly doable.  He is turning 35 this year and so he is feeling old.  AS I look back to when I returned to running it was 10 years ago.  I can't remember if I wrote this before or not, but I started with about a half-mile run and then turned around and walked home.  Each day, I added just a hundred yards or so until I an for 10 minutes.  Then I was able to add a minute a day.  That fall I did the Nittany Valley Half-Marathon in under 2 hours.  I will say that I don't I would break 2 hours today, but I still think I have it in me to do so.  I've been enjoying the longer distances so I don't (usually) miss my speed too much.
My sister-in-law, Kelly, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She turned 40 and went for the recommended mammogram.  They found the cancer and were able to remove it.  She is having chemotherapy to try to make sure everything is gone.  Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.  A friend was also diagnosed while she was pregnant.  The baby was born healthy and she is undergoing chemo as well.  Cancer is a strange disease and seems to be becoming so much more common.  There are a lot of ideas about why that could be , but no one has a definitive answer.
School starts here for teachers next week with three days of inservice.  I am excited to begin the year with a new set of kids.  I really feel blessed to be able to do a job I love, with great people around me, and be compensated reasonably well.  I began teaching at the time when the state mandated a minimum salary for teachers.  Prior to that, things were not so good for people who have such an important role in society.
Ray Zahab is headed for Death Valley in preparation to run across the Rub Khali in Saudi Arabia.  Hmm, Death Valley in August, sounds reasonable.  NOT!  Ray's i2P crew is preparing for an expedition to India from October 2-15.  If you are a teacher, check it out.  The conferencing with the expedition members is a great experience for your students.  Also, uploading images of your kids to the impossible2Possible web site really raises their enthusiasm and helps them to feel a part of things bigger than themselves.  My students had a great experience in the spring Bolivia expedition.
We're getting a great thunderstorm here now, so I am going to watch the lightning and play a game with my son.  Hope to be back soon.

I just visited a site that I have not seen in a while.  If you are an athlete with diabetes, or have a loved one who is, check out  It is a site from the UK dedicated to helping diabetic athletes manage their diabetes and training.

Deuteronomy 31:8

New International Version (NIV)
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

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