Sunday, March 27, 2011

What a Weekend!

As much as I have not been running - as I really should be- this weekend got me on the road, and the trails and got in some good mileage.  And, as an added bonus, I was making myself go when I didn't think that I really could.  Mentally, this was a really good thing for me in both the short and long term.
On Saturday, I did the Taidaghton Trail Challenge.  I have to say first that I had read that it was in the middle of nowhere, but WOW! It really was in the middle of nowhere.  But that didn't stop the PA RoadRunners from putting on a great event!  I loved the slow start to the day, since I got there about an hour before the start and it was about 20 degrees. The only glitch in my opinion was the narrowing of the course after only a quarter mile.  I reality, it wasn't the course so much as the reaction of several of the others in their impatience to get onto the trail and onto the first stream crossing.  The course had just enough technical areas combined with just the right amount of vertical.  I REALLY liked this course.  Streams, snow, hills, rocks make a great run.  20 degrees and sunshine and then running under Interstate 80 through a tunnel that was a 6-inch deep stream.  I know some people different care for it, but I thought it was awesome.  Food afterward was well done and I am really glad that I chose to do this one. Plus, it was the first 13 miler I've done in a while.
Sunday was the Run around Egg Hill.  I am so glad that Bass invited me to join him in 2004 and continue the tradition until now.  The course is challenging, the environment of the old school in Spring Mills is like stepping into a scene from Hoosiers, and running as part of a relay makes me want to do my best.  Bonus here, too.  In the raffle, I won a $25 gift card for the Elk Creek Cafe.  I'm looking forward to redeeming that later this spring or in the early summer.  I've sampled some of their products and haven't been disappointed :)
So, the weekend was a great experience in the running side of life.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beautiful Day

Today is beautiful, though 20 degrees cooler than yesterday.  I got in a nice 5 miler, then rode 5 with my son and walked another one with Molly.  What a fantastic way to spend the day.
The weather is supposed to take a downturn on Sunday night, but it is March.  That's what we expect.  I'm glad to be outside moving.  One week until the Tiadaghton Challenge Trail Half.  I will let you know how that goes.  I certainly am not running enough yet, but I'm feeling it now, so that is good.  The good thing is that it hasn't been physical issues that have kept me off the trail, it's only been psychological.  Then again, 90% of everything is 1/2 mental.  Thanks, Yogi.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Visitors from where ? !

I was working on a flier to share with students tomorrow at our school's Health Fair.  I have a table reserved to publicize what I am doing to raise money for JDRF and to let the kids know that we will be having a School JDRF Walk.  The kids last year were awesome and really came through, raising over $1000 for JDRF.  They did a variety of fun stuff, but the best, by far, was duct taping teachers to the wall.  :)
 I've been looking at the statistics to see who is viewing this page and have been amazed at the geographic breadth of those who visit.  Yesterday, the majority of hits were from Brazil and China.  I don't understand how these links are made, but I am so grateful that people are seeing this small corner of the web.
Don't forget. . . give early and give often.

Runs the last couple of days have been very enjoyable.  Not far, but longer each time.  I feel much better about the 65 days remaining until the run.  You know what else makes me feel good?  This verse:

Titus 3:4-7
But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pray. There are bigger things than running.

I haven't posted since last week, but I have been working out.  The tragedies in Japan have occupied my mind and computer time over the past several days.  I am amazed at the degree of damage and the seeming calmness that many are showing as they deal with the situation.  I realize much of this is a shock reaction, but they are acting and this is good.
My son came home today and asked if he could give money to help the people of Japan.  I said yes, of course, and we talked about how to get the money to where it would be well used.  He has done Operation Christmas Child boxes, and so he is familiar with Samaritan's Purse.  He selected this organization to send his money to be used to not only help the physical needs, but the emotional and spiritual needs as well.  I am very pleased that he did this.  Having a giving heart is something that I am glad to see growing in him.

So, Pete has made the first donation of the year to the M&M team.  Thanks, Pete!  That gets us rolling.  Only 67 more days to go before the big day !  I am getting excited. I have had several folks ask about the run already and say that they will be expecting a letter soon.  I don't plan to disappoint :)

The runs have been more frequent and I've been on the bike trainer as well.  My older son and I went on a great 2 hour hike on Saturday and it was a time to be treasured always.  I am such a lucky man to have this family.  God is truly Good.

Well, I've got to take my Juice Plus+ and hit the sack.  I am getting up to run in the morning and need my beauty sleep.
More soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rain Run

Wearing shorts and a long sleeve shirt looking at snow all around me.  Pretty awesome day to get out.  Rain coming down from a little to a lot.  Thought I had actually gone a little further, but it is awfully hard to argue with the Garmin.  A touch over 4.5 miles in just under 42 minutes.  I'll do the same run again and see what the GPS says.
Thanks, Mark for the recommendation to get on  Strangers make good critics and encouragers!
I'm super happy with this week in the running life.
I talked with Ray Zahab over the weekend.  I have to say I was nervous and wasn't sure what to say. I feel way overwhelmed with the things he has done in running.  However, every time I tell someone about him, they say, "Wow!  He sounds exactly like you!"  That makes me pretty happy to hear.  There are similarities in former lifestyles and age of coming to our senses.  I only wish that I could run as fast as he does for the distances.
More tomorrow, I expect.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Committee Meeting

Tonight was the JDRF committee meeting to help prepare for the walk.  Three kids from the State College high school came to represent the Key Club and the Delta Program.  One of the kids was Emily, a student that I had in class about 5 years ago.  She has done many things since then and is going to do many more amazing things.

 It is time to begin the fundraising in earnest as well as the training.  It sort of makes sense, I'm doing this to raise money to fund diabetes research in search of a cure.  If I'm diving into the run, it is high time that I go headlong into the fundraising.  Yes, that means that I will be coming calling soon.  You knew it was coming :) As I said many times last year, this is the whole reason I am doing this, I want a cure for this terrible disease and the effects on the body that are so devastating.
I was approached by a teacher at school today about how she could get kids involved, so I'm pretty excited about that.  Awareness will build demand for movement in a positive direction.

So, I didn't run today.  But wait !  I did lift weights, throw the medicine ball around a lot and . . .
I had been looking online at plans to improve fitness doing normal things like sit-ups, pushups and squats.  There are websites to take you from where you are to 100 sit-ups, 100 pushups, and 200 squats.  Since I had the kids there to challenge me, I told them about this and decide that I needed to out-do each of them.  I am very pleased to say that I kept great form and did my 200 squats.  I have to admit that I am as amazed as anyone might be.  You will notice hat I didn't start with the pushups or most notably the sit-ups ;)

I was reading the Bible this morning and a verse really hit me (okay a couple verses) that make me really happy and make me feel strong, unbeatable really.  I am embarrassed to say how strong, but the strength isn't mine, so that makes me okay with it.

Psalm 62:1-2
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2 in a Row!

I'm not sure the last time it happened, but I ran today for the second day in a row.  I have to laugh that, not so long ago, D. Scipione was cautioning me to make sure that I took a day off each week.  
Anyway, did another 4 tonight and it felt way better than yesterday.  It was a beautiful day, but I waited until after dark to run because of school and visiting family.  Glad to have done it though.  I got to play legos !  I also go to chat with Clinton who stayed the night last night and through the day.
Got to spend time today talking with teachers about how we can make the school a better place for kids to learn.  It was actually an invigorating inservice day.  I will be happy to see the kids tomorrow as we get into a lesson on tapping trees and making syrup.

Do it all for the Glory of the Lord !

Monday, March 7, 2011

Couch to 100K

Okay, So I'm not exactly starting from nothing, but I'm not far from there.  I am still looking to get my head in the right place and so I'm putting it out there for all to see.  If I post, that means that I exercised.  Specifically, I ran or did some run-like activity (elliptical or stair-climber).  If I don't post, it means that I need to be harassed into getting out there, twice if need be.  I remember reading the book I Am Third, by Gale Sayers, and he worked out twice a day for the next six days if he missed a day.  I can't guarantee I will do that, but if it is a possibility, then maybe I will just NOT MISS.
So today I ran 4 and walked a fifth to stretch out and cool down.  It was a beautiful day following a wild day yesterday when more than 8 inches (20 cm) of snow fell.  I got my strength work in clearing the driveway, so I'm tired, but really happy with the day's productivity.

The big day is 74 days away.  Details to come on the format of the run.